Tuesday, December 23, 2008

happy christmas

yo peops,
This is the ole site. Desert and farms living peacefully together

hello señor chancho

other random site photos

yeah, this is me and my buddy lil ryan giving a charla on handwashing and hygiene. good stuff!

Speech speech speech. All right, all right already, had to give a speech.

well hello there party people. Having a good time? I hope so.

I look good, I mean really good!

Mmm, smell that steam

This is my pacha manca birthday party. It was a lot of fun and the food was delicious!

the photo above is a rare glimpse of a peruvian haireless dog, they have yellow mohawks, I shit you not. Photo taken in my site.

well happy christmas and a merry new year to y'all! i know, it's been a long while, but time makes the heart grow fonder, right? Well I guess I'll tell y'all bout my new host family. they own a video game/arcade hall type of thing, so there are hundreds of video games at my fingertips, too bad I'm not what some call a "gamer". Well Martin and his wife Maria are in their mid 30's with a 12 and 6 year old. The older boy is Jeison, spelled like this, and Jose is the youngster. Sometimes I wonder if Jeison maliciously speaks really fast and uses lots of slang, b/c I have to ask him to repeat it like 3 times. Another ocassion he was telling me jokes, trying, and got really frustrated when I didn't understand any of them, but he kept on telling them loaded with slang expecting me to suddenly understand. His cousin was like "claro que no va a entender porque estás usando tanta jerga", I mean, he gets it, why can't Jeison give me a break?

The lil one: he makes me wonder if I really want children, ever. He is cute as the dickens (is this a real expression?, sounds kinda weird), but he is so loud and rambunctious and a little never ending spring of energy and is always grabbing and pulling my shirt and putting his hands in my food and showing me everything which he thinks is interesting (everything) and did I mention loud? well maybe that just comes with being 6 years old, I don't know. He is a good kid, just a handful, requiring a lot of patience.

well I have been working on my community diagnostic, doing a few surveys and talking about strenghts, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats within the community in respect to basic sanitation. Lots of people in the surrounding area cook with firewood and don't have any bathroom, not even a letrine, and don't treat their water. There is definitely a need for improved water sanitation and a strong desire from the people. I am going to be teaching english classes to professors at the local school here probably in January, so that could be fun. I can't wait to start actually doing projects. I am not the type of person who is a community diagnoser, I am a doer. I need to be building a ferrocement tank or helping design a water system or something, so I am really excited to start that kind of stuff. Well apparently only a few minutes remain for internet here at the old cafe, so I gotta go. Happy Holidays!, I love you all (y'all).

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Life as a trainee nears an end...

hey y'all
ok, it's been a while, this i know, but have i been busy? i like you, do you like me? well my birthday is coming up pretty soon, November 24th, which is like 4 days before i swear in as an official Peace Corps Volunteer, wow, I'm almost there, it has been a long time coming, i think i started the application process in like 2005 and i am finally about to be a PCV. I am about to leave to visit my future site, home that is, for the next two years of my life. I am in Pisco, well Independencia actually, which is about 300 km south of Lima. This area was severely affected by the 8.0 magnitude earthquake that happened in August 2007 and there is still much in ruins. It is puro desert, sand dunes and dust as far as the eye can see. I went there for field based training, which was a week of tech, tech week. The first day we did encuestas, interviews digo, about hygiene. Hello stranger, can i see your bathroom? Do you clean it often? Do you wash your hands? Prove it. The next day we learned about casas de adobe anitisísmicas, that is, houses made of mud with a plastic mesh around the outside and another layer of mud mortar to seal it all in. Believe it or not a mud house can actually resist major earthquakes. The following day we built an entire latrine, we did not dig the hole, which i saw a man doing with a hammer and pick because despite the appearance of pure sand it is actually quite rocky, during the three hours that we were placing concrete for the base he had maybe dug about 6 inches deep. The next day of tech week we learned how to dig a trench. we were connecting individual houses with the existing sewer network so we went out in two person teams, one manning or womaning a pick-ax and the other a shovel and we dug for about 3 hours in the heat of the intense desert summer sun, after we had the trench roughly sloped to the connection, this was total guesswork, a man took a hammer and chisel/pick thing and broke a circular hole into the existing concrete sewer line, they rammed a 4 inch PVC pipe into it, slapped some concrete mixed with the very earth we dug up on the connection, and we buried the line and called it a day.

On to other news, Obama is our next president and i have never been more proud to be an American, f*** yeah! so a restaurant in Chaclacayo put CNN on for us and we totally took over the place, about 40 gringos drinking beer and screaming with joy each time Obama won a state. it was so exciting! the hard cores stayed to the very end to watch Obama deliver his victory speech, and what a powerful one at that. i was inspired, in tears, and wanted to run into the street jumping up and down and cursing in English foul words of elation, three stepping off brick walls slow spin 360 new balance grabs with a tweaked out right arm flipping off all the dissenters that booed when John McCain congratulated our new president. I will never forget where i was when we hurdled that barrier to equality in the states, never forget the power i felt as part of a mob of 40 overwhelmed neocolonialists (jk) watching the world turn its back on an ugly distant past. The icing on the cake was when Obama spoke of the 106 year old Ann Nixon Cooper and traced her life and asked America to look one hundred years in the future, one hundred years, this flap of the wings of a flying space pig brings an idealist dreamer's hopes to the verge of sublimation, soul vapor.

so we had a talent show the day we all found out our site assignments. imagine, 8 weeks of anticipation wondering where in the hell you are going to spend the next two years of your life, then finding out, and having to perform in a talent show in small groups that same day. I haven't laughed so hard in a very long time. some highlights were a group that acted out several typical situations in the life of a peace corps trainee, riding on packed custers (small buses) that double the recommended max capacity, and then they did a skit when two volunteers go out clubbing and afterward one decides to eat food from the calle (street) and gets the bicicleta (diarrhea) the next day. Brad Goodman, who is an enigma because he is absolutely impossible to even try to explain, and hilarious, comes out in a suit jacket acting like a hopped up pill salesman saying Cipro, Cipro, get your Cipro, only five soles (this is the antibiotic that everyone takes when they get diarrhea), with two bottles in his hands shaking them around, and suddenly jumps off the stage (about 4 feet high) into the crowd and gets right in an audience members face with his eyes about to pop out of his glasses screaming, "¡Come lo que quieras!" (eat whatever you want). Another highlight was a skit from another group taking place in another packed custer, the cobrador is played by cholo Mark, (a cobrador is the person who announces the route of that particular custer, collects money and yells at everyone to get on move to the back, make room even if it is so packed you can't breathe, get off and do it all hurriedly) a female volunteer played by Dianna is sitting down and Jason "Cotton" Pickens, a.k.a. Alabama Man, dressed up in a white poncho and wife beater underneath with a strange straw hat plays a filthy machista passenger that is standing right next to Dianna coughing, hacking up spit and swallowing it, and jutting his crotch into Dianna. Meanwhile there is a mother with her child requesting money from them while the young daughter played by E-Loch robs Dianna. The whole time this is happening Geoff Lord is playing another passenger calmly sitting and observing this go down with a cigarette in his mouth. I must preface this with a small explanation of Lord Jefe (Geoff), he seems to be perpetually grumpy, and cynical of everything. He struggles with Spanish and lives with a large family headed by a single mother, who wakes up at 4 am every morning to run "Vaso de Leche" which is an outreach organization that gives free food to the poorest members of the community, and then goes to work. His room has a glass wall with a very thin sheet for a curtain, making privacy non-existent. He just quit smoking and cut down drastically on drinking, which he was doing quite often right before heading down here to Peru. In reality i think he just plays the cynic to make dark humor and sense out of this whole training thing. In the end he is a good sport, and a great guy!
So Geoff is sitting on the custer in this skit and chaos is going on all around him but he remains calm with the cigarette in his mouth unlit, and i imagine this takes a lot of self restraint not to smoke it, when all of a sudden he stands up, still remaining calm, walks to stage center, in the heart of the chaos in the custer, faces the audience and violently rips his shirt off, throws his hat to the ground, and puts on a pair of Lennon sunglasses. He is wearing a headband and under the shirt he is wearing a cape and a wife beater with a logo of a sweet potato smoking a cigarette with the caption Papa Dulce underneath. He is the super hero papa dulce (sweet potatoe or sugar daddy, more or less), who is well known and even more so feared in this corner of the imagination on this Custer in this Peru. He single handedly recovers the stolen goods, returns them to their respectful owners and engages the disgusting poncho wearing pervert in a battle (of who could care less). It is a fierce battle, Matrix style, with the final blow being delivered by Papa Dulce, a vicious pelvic thrust knocking poncho pervert to the ground in defeat. Dianna jumps up to thank the heroin, with desire for her mysterious savior shining like the north star in a moonless sky of a desolate sandy desert, but Papa Dulce wants nothing to do with this, and says, no no dama, I came for him, indicating the cobrador played by cholo Mark who is wearing a Grease Monkey mechanic outfit with his shirt half unbuttoned exposing his markered up hairy chest. The scene ends with Papa Dulce carrying the cobrador off in classic newly wed style. My whole body ached from laughing so hard.

Well that's all for now folks, and if you want more where this came from, you just come on down to Peru, we'll show ya a real good time!

ciao, besos, abrazos, y mucho cariño from your boy,

Sunday, October 5, 2008

life in Yanacoto:
well, my legs are going to be super strong after walking up the hill to my house for three months, it´s a good 15 min of pretty intense hiking. walking down the hill in the mornings makes my lungs pretty happy b/c of the two stroke mototaxis (3 wheeler taxis that cannot even go as fast as i walk when going up on the steep dirt roads) zooming by. i take a 15 minute custer (small bus) everyday to the training center, which is a luxurious palace rented by peace corps where we have our technical training sessions. so far we have talked about water systems in peru and this week we will be building a latrine for one of my neighbors, who is hosting another volunteer, i am excited about this! so our cuerpo de paz soccer team (equipo gringo, a.k.a. white height) blew away the previous team´s record, we won two games and tied like 5, ¡vaya gringos! it was a blast playing on the concrete basketball court/cancha, although the first game i played i took a pretty bad spill and cut up both hands, then the next game i fell on the way to the game running down my very steep hill in the dark, and fell during the game as well, so now people think me a klutz, whatever. mae, i have been super busy! we have besides 8 hours a day of training, i have been jogging, doing yoga, and playing soccer, and every saturday we go to lima, recently to learn about agriculture here in el peru. unfortunately i had "the bicicleta" once again this last saturday and had to rush back, which you can´t really do b/c it is like an hour 15 to an hour and a half custer ride, which is usually crowded to the point of physically touching your fellow pasajero whether you like it or not, this is the LA way, personal US bubbles pop. so anyway, today i feel better so hopefully i am done with being sick for a while, Ojalá. i had a dream last night that i was about to go to the salad bar at city market and get the biggest salad with every vegetable imaginable and right before i did i was woken by mis padres asking if i felt any better, no, if only i could have eaten it first, it would have been just as good as the real thing b/c my dreams have been really vivid, some think this is because of the "ajinomoto" a.k.a. MSG that goes into every single meal, yep, every one, for flavor, thanks to the chinese influence in the cooking here. i will deal, no pasa nada chicos. anyway, at least when i am really stressed out or feeling lousy i can listen to my fav band at the moment, Built to Spill, on my ipod, this is my best friend right now. well i am gone, ciao y besos a todos.
p.d. i actually clipped my nails today, meaning i haven´t bitten them since being here, how proud are you mom?

Monday, September 15, 2008

en Peru

Oye people,
hope all is well on the home front! So i am in a place called Yanacoto ahora that is cerca de Chaclacayo that is cerca de Lima, if you want to know. I am sitting in an internet cafe thinking of what to write, well i have been making lots of new friends, there are 47 people in my group, Peru 12 and the training is pretty intense, the one afternoon that we had off so far has been for meeting our host families, whom we will live with for the next 11 weeks. My family is great, el papa, Teofilo, works in construction building houses and what not and la mama, Brigida, is the ama de casa and cleans houses once a week in Chaclacayo. Teo is the director of a soccer team for which both their sons play, and i went to their game yesterday, and they won!!! Suerte because Brigida said she will be happy if they won, since it was the first day, i really didn´t want it to be a bummer!! After the game, we watched the dance of the region, Danza de las tijeras, (dance of the scissors), and two jovenes with scissors danced a sort of breakdance routine, very acrobatic and very dangerous i´m sure! in fact, my host sis said i would probably cut my head off if i tried it, jajajaja. So it´s a very big fam. there are 9 of us counting me in a three bedroom house and it´s PC policy that I have my own room, so the 8 others share two bedrooms. i feel bad about this but that is the way it goes, i suppose, what can i do?

so the training staff warned us not to eat food off the calle (street) and the first day with the host family, after the soccer game, guess what i did, that´s right ate anticucho (schiskabob, sp) off the street, which i was told is cow heart, but it tasted just like beef, and a couple of pieces were a bit rare. im feeling fine now so i hope my stomach stays fuerte.

well i talked with my director and found out i will be a technical advisor to the other water and sanitation volunteers who don´t have the technical background as me, which means i´ll probably be doing a lot of travelling to other people´s sites to work with them. this was exciting to hear, and i can´t wait to start. but for now i just need to focus on training, and hopefully i will swear in as an official PC volunteer on November 28, 4 days after my birthday.

well all, i am going to post some pictures and maybe a video of the danza de las tijeras if i can figure that out, but más tarde, as i need to go eat dinner (green pasta espaghetti) with my host family right now.

ciao y besos a todos

Friday, July 25, 2008


So I've completed my first year of Graduate School at Michigan Tech and what a great time! My roommates Gwyn and Josh are already in country for the Peace Corps, Suriname and Zambia, respectively and my other roommate Kaitlin is heading for Panama in August. I leave for staging on September 10th and leave for Peru on the 12th. I am starting to feel the pressure of all the things I need to do to prepare for my next two years in Peru, so I started this blogspot. So far I have been hanging out in Grand Junction, Colorado at my parents house and working with my dad doing carpentry. I have two weddings in August to go to which will be great to see lots of old friends, eat, drink and dance; no puedo esperar!

Some things to do before I go:
  1. buy a good camera for abroad
  2. create a packing list like Josh's
  3. get ipod fixed, hopefully!
  4. create photo albums to show new friends
  5. order a Steripen (uv light backpacking water purification)
  6. ???