Wednesday, December 23, 2009

more pictures. ahh. Here we find ourselves in the plaza at night in Arequipa.

Brad Goodman and I are just chattin' it up in this photo.

Nice medieval armor there, eh?

Here is a photo of the descent of Misti. We are almost down thank God b/c I am exhausted at this point.

Here is the final ascent. Don´t quit yet!

This is just a sweet shot of us descending from the summit. Not ten minutes ago it was totally cloudy up here, crazy.

The view from the top, looking down on Arequipa.

Here you can see the crater of the volcanoe on the right side of the image.

Here we are at the giant iron cross at the summit.

Waking up at 1am to start the summit expedition. This photo is a beauty of Arequipa at night from the birds nest.

Ah, ya. Here is a look at our basecamp the afternoon we arrived.
Well that is it for now, but I wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2010!!!
Keep it real while keeping it safe!

Hello there friends. What I am about to show you is more Misti pics. Enjoy

Here we are at our base camp on "El Misti". It is about 3pm and we need to hurry and eat and go to sleep to get some rest before waking up at 1am to start the summit push.

Yeah, Misti did not have the most beautiful views, but the challenge was our reason for going.

Here we go. Starting the two day trek.

Here is my friend Brad, girlfriend Giorgianna, friend Jared and I at the convent in Arequipa

another convent pic.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Arequipa pics

Hello my friends, i am pleased to present to you some photos from awesome Arequipa. Some Misti fotos and some convent fotos. Shall we begin with "El Misti"?
ok, problems with internet make the misti photos in queue for next time.

This is "el monasterio", a religious convent in Arequipa, Peru.

Praise the lord says the sign

green space is critical, convent or not!

Breathtaking, no?

You may notice the looming volcanoe in the background. Conquered!

illegal vision. climbed a stairway to nowhere and took this lil beaut.

This stairway, in fact. That is Brad Goodman doin what he do.

the colors here were amazing. the little city within Arequipa...bonita bonita que bonita.

Tranquilo, ¿no? peaceful and quiet, this place was amazing!

more little courtyards, lovely.

be quiet please! beauty is best enjoyed with a nice glass of shut the hell up!

cowgirl cops in Arequipa? You bet yur bottom dollar, mister.

fountains in centrals of plazas and cities of grandeur, where art thou pointing to?

Arc of sky, yep still in bustling Arequipa.

Ok, we are now back in site, José Olaya and we see a lazy perro taking a siesta in his tetris door.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


well this is the summit video. Top of the volcanoe ¨El Misti¨, elevation 5,822 m or about 19,119ft.

this is a little taste of the descent. It might be a bit sandy, but it still tastes real good!

well, i will post some pics here in just a little while, m-kay?

ciao babies,
