Nice medieval armor there, eh?
This is just a sweet shot of us descending from the summit. Not ten minutes ago it was totally cloudy up here, crazy.
The view from the top, looking down on Arequipa.
My name is Fletcher McKenzie and I am going to Peru to serve as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Water & Sanitation. I will be creating a report/thesis to fulfill the requirements of a Master's of Science degree in Environmental Engineering with the Master's International Program at Michigan Technological University.
well this is the summit video. Top of the volcanoe ¨El Misti¨, elevation 5,822 m or about 19,119ft.
this is a little taste of the descent. It might be a bit sandy, but it still tastes real good!
well, i will post some pics here in just a little while, m-kay?
ciao babies,