hello señor chancho
other random site photos
yeah, this is me and my buddy lil ryan giving a charla on handwashing and hygiene. good stuff!
Mmm, smell that steam
This is my pacha manca birthday party. It was a lot of fun and the food was delicious!
well happy christmas and a merry new year to y'all! i know, it's been a long while, but time makes the heart grow fonder, right? Well I guess I'll tell y'all bout my new host family. they own a video game/arcade hall type of thing, so there are hundreds of video games at my fingertips, too bad I'm not what some call a "gamer". Well Martin and his wife Maria are in their mid 30's with a 12 and 6 year old. The older boy is Jeison, spelled like this, and Jose is the youngster. Sometimes I wonder if Jeison maliciously speaks really fast and uses lots of slang, b/c I have to ask him to repeat it like 3 times. Another ocassion he was telling me jokes, trying, and got really frustrated when I didn't understand any of them, but he kept on telling them loaded with slang expecting me to suddenly understand. His cousin was like "claro que no va a entender porque estás usando tanta jerga", I mean, he gets it, why can't Jeison give me a break?
The lil one: he makes me wonder if I really want children, ever. He is cute as the dickens (is this a real expression?, sounds kinda weird), but he is so loud and rambunctious and a little never ending spring of energy and is always grabbing and pulling my shirt and putting his hands in my food and showing me everything which he thinks is interesting (everything) and did I mention loud? well maybe that just comes with being 6 years old, I don't know. He is a good kid, just a handful, requiring a lot of patience.
well I have been working on my community diagnostic, doing a few surveys and talking about strenghts, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats within the community in respect to basic sanitation. Lots of people in the surrounding area cook with firewood and don't have any bathroom, not even a letrine, and don't treat their water. There is definitely a need for improved water sanitation and a strong desire from the people. I am going to be teaching english classes to professors at the local school here probably in January, so that could be fun. I can't wait to start actually doing projects. I am not the type of person who is a community diagnoser, I am a doer. I need to be building a ferrocement tank or helping design a water system or something, so I am really excited to start that kind of stuff. Well apparently only a few minutes remain for internet here at the old cafe, so I gotta go. Happy Holidays!, I love you all (y'all).